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About This Site

Artist Commission Information

Site Info and Acknowledgments


February 20, 2002 --

The Gallery has moved to the new server and hopefully everything is working. :)

This site is now on hiatus and will not be updated until September, 2003. Join the mailing list to be notified when the gallery is updated, or accepting new artists. Those interested in joining the gallery can also leave a note in the forum or the guestbook, and I will contact them by email when I return. Any new Phantom art that gallery artists would like added to their page can be posted on the Forum and I will update with the new art in 2003. :)

New art:
3 new artists! Erik, Ladyghost, and Raphael. Check out their excellent work. ^_^
Masked Rose and Rebecca JJ have had new art added to their galleries.

Main :: The Galleries :: Information :: Resources :: Guestbook :: Forum :: Links