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Site Information and Acknowledgments

Site Info:

This site is hosted by the wonderful Corvus Crow of It was coded on Evrsoft's free HTML editor, 1st Page 2000, which helps me make pretty code. ^_^ The graphics were created in Photoshop 6.0. I used the free program SmartFTP to upload this site. The design is copyrighted to me, Rebecca JJ, 2002.


Special thanks go to Erik and Kirsten for being wonderful link checkers in a pinch. Thank you to Corvus Crow for being far too generous. Thank you to all the artists for creating beautiful art, and being patient with my terrible updating schedule. (And now I'm running off for 18 months and leaving it! Hopefully not to rot, but it will definitely stagnate. ^_^;) High thanks and praise go to Rotem, who's promised to watch after the forum for me. ^_^

And of course, thank you to Gaston Leroux and all the wonderful artists and performers who have brought the story of the Phantom to life and to the forefront of our minds. It is beautiful and deserves to be there.

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