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Artists' Home Sites

The pages of artists featured on this site. Go look at what else they have done!

The Phantom's Labyrinth
Eleanor's main Phantom site which contains extensive information, phan art, and phan phiction.

Chantal's Masquerade
Chantal St. Martin's phantom pages hub: The Boxkeeper of the Opera, The PhANS Art Site, The Cellers RPG.

Raphael's Phantom of the Opera Art Archive
Raphael's gorgeous and highly professional phantom artwork.

Don Juan Triumphant's Reign
Ladyghost's Phantom Site, with info on the Don Juan legend, art, and more.

The webpage of Rebecca JJ, featuring more of her art.

Rotem's homepage and art gallery

More Phantom Art

Other artists that have phantom art featured on their pages.

PhANS: The Phantom Artists' Net Site
Great multi-artist phantom artwork site.

The Fine Art of Bradley J. Parrish
Beautiful, professional paintings, many featuring ALW inspired Phantoms.

L'Ange de la Music
FDeL'O's fantastic modern Phantom.

Michaela de Bruce's excellent site featuring gorgeous costumes, art, and the Phantom Costume Resources site and webring.

Phantom of the Opera Sites

Sites dedicated to the Phantom of the Opera in all its forms.
The official Andrew Lloyd Webber musical site, with lovely graphics and surprisingly useful content.

Opera Ghost, Josephine's Phantom Site
Cool site design, info on ALW (Andrew Lloyd Webber's) Phantom's costumes, and on Leroux's inspiration for Christine Daae, the 19th Century Swedish opera diva Kristina Neilson.

Phantom Movie Advocates
Forum with all the hot news about the ALW Phantom Movie due to be released Christmas 2004.

The Michael Crawford Phantom Movie Page
A site protesting any other casting in the movie version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera then the original Phantom Michael Crawford.
Gritty and detailed site in French and English.

The Lair of the Opera Ghost

Phantom Costume Exhibition
Wonderful resource of photographs from an exhibition of costumes from the ALW musical.

Costume Sites

Sites with information about the costumes of the Victorian Era, when the story of the Phantom takes place.

The Costumer's Manifesto
Great resource for all costuming needs.

La Coutuire Parisienne Costume and Fashion Site
Lovely site with wonderful Victorian costume resources.

The History of Costume
One of the greatest costuming books available, completely online. A wonderful resource.

The Costume Page
Links to most of the costume sites out there, wonderfully organized into categories.

Other Artist's Sites

Non-Phantom Related sites featuring art to inspire and enjoy.

Stephanie Pui-Min Law is the master of watercolor. Beautiful and extremely detailed fantasy art.
Dark, androgynous, and extremely detailed digital paintings. Amazing.

The Nethersphere
Stephanie D. Lostimolo's gorgeous character design and Photoshop coloring.


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