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About the Phantom Art Gallery

Our Mission:

This site was created to make original images inspired by the story of the Phantom of the Opera available to phans and to the world in one site, to encourage and inspire others to create phantom art by having beautiful artwork readily available, and to provide a forum where all visitors can congregate and discuss Phantom and art, and where artists can receive feedback about their art. ;

So please, enjoy the art! And feel welcome to join the discussions in the forum, or give feedback to the artists. If you are inspired to create original Phantom artwork, do let me know, and you can join the artists here with your own gallery.

(the site is currently not open for submissions, but leave a note in the forum or guestbook or join the mailing list and I will contact you when it is. The following information has been left up for convenience.)

How to Join the Phantom Gallery:

First of all, you need to create some original Phantom-based Artwork, and have it scanned and ready for the web. They should be at 72 pixels per inch resolution and be at least less then 750 pixels wide, the smaller the better. (check here for ideas on how to do that)

Once you have 2 or 3 pieces ready, copy and paste this form into your email composer, fill it out  and email it to me, Rebecca JJ. You will need an email that will attach files, or to have already uploaded the art onto an internet server. You can delete any of the superfluous instructions on the form (anything not bolded) if you wish.

If you have only created 1 or 2 Phantom images, and do not wish to have a personal gallery, you can have your images posted in the Visitor gallery by sending me your images with this form, and telling me you only wish to join to Visitor Gallery. (When someone does this, I will create the Visitor Gallery ;] )

Subject: Joining the Phantom Art Gallery

Name you wish to be known as:

Email address:

Personal url address (if you have one):

Title of your personal website:

a short bio:

If you are attaching your image files to the email:

title of piece:

image file name: (mypic.jpg or .gif)

file name of thumbnails for image, if you have created it (they should be 72 x 72 pixels for this gallery)

short blurb or caption for piece:

Repeat for all images included (please, no more then 4 or so, or it will be too big to open)

OR, give me the url where your phantom images have been uploaded to, and any info that is different from what is said there that you wish me to include. Please indicate what you wish me to use.


pieces you wish used:

any other info needed:

I will gladly lift any info and images from webpages that have already been created, so that you have less work to do. But I must have permission from you, the artist and creator. I will never copy files where I have not been given permission. The Phantom Art Gallery fully supports and respects copyright and the rights of artists.

Note on thumbnails:

For full control of how your art is presented, please create your own thumbnails to be shown on the main page of your gallery. They should be at 72 pixels per inch resolution and 72 x 72 pixels square, in .jpg or .gif, and the smallest file size possible. Please name them ***_sm.jpeg or .gif  (*** = original image name) to help me keep my files organized. ;)

Note on image sizes: If your image is very detailed and needs to be larger then 750 pixels wide, email me the full resolution, cleaned up scan and I can make zoom-up detail images, or you can make them yourself. I am very willing to work with you in any way so that your images can be viewed as you want them to be, without sacrificing viewer convenience. See Stephanie Pui-Min Law's website Shadowscapes to see successful use of zoom-in images for very detailed art pieces.

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